Sunday, January 18, 2009


OK - so I know i'm a couple weeks behind on this fad, but this album is the best idea anyone has had in while. Usually I ain't all about the "mash-ups" that the kids are into these days. I think that guy, girl-talk, has an interesting knack for hilariously combining 30 80's-pop-songs into one 3 minute track, but its gimmicky.

Jaydiohead, on the other hand, makes perfect sense. Both artists are highly successful when it comes to selling records, both have gained mainstream and critical acclaim, and yet both have managed to maintain their 'coolness' or 'street-cred' or whatever you want to call it. The point being: usually when a group or artist gets to the point of selling millions of records and becoming a household name, they fizzle out artistically and their following work sucks @$$ (eg:Coldplay), because it lacks the inspiration and hunger that connects listeners to music.

(no, no,'re totally right. Chris Martin is married to Gwyneth and Jay-z is married to Beyonce, I know, it seems the same. But am I the only who thinks Chris Martin is a douche and Jay-z remains badass?)

So whats the gimmick of the Jaydiohead mash-up? none, it simply rips. The mix created by minty fresh beats (the producer) suggests hat it was meant to be. He amplifies the back-burner funkiness that I so often hear from Thom and the boys, and the subtle rock-n-roll style of the Roc-a-fella. Might this be the one positive result of rap-metal?

So here's a tip: check it out, you can download it for free:

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